Arizona's Oldest Continuously Active Coin Club

The Tucson Coin Club meets every 2nd Tuesday (Business Meeting) and 4th Tuesday (Education Meeting) of every Month
from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.  Doors open at 6pm with meetings beginning promptly at 7pm. The Education Meeting offers presentations from members or guests on numismatic related topics on his or her numismatic or currency
specialty. Every meeting offers such topics as "Show & Tell" and  "Ask the Expert." Door prizes are also available to all attending
and raffle prizes up to $25.00. All visitors are welcome at no charge.

The Club Meets at the Tucson Woman's Club
6245 E. Bellevue St. (Speedway & Wilmot)
(1 Block North of Speedway; 1/2 Block West of Wilmot)

Any Member elected to an office / Board of Director,  for a 1 year term and serves a minimum of 6 months will be awarded recognition
for their service. These awards are presented at the Annual Awards Celebration. According t0 the Tucson Coin Club, Inc. Bylaws,
Members are allowed to hold office as long as no other member has challenged the office. Many of the current officer have held
office for several years.


2024 President

Jane Stubbs
A member since 2004.

2024 Vice President
Jack McCabe
A member since 2013.

2024 Secretary

Mark Stubbs, Life Member.
A member since 2003.


2024 Treasurer

Larry Hamm, Life Member
A member since 2003. 

2024 Sergeant of Arms
Brett Hudson
A member since _____.

2024 Member at Large
Bill Myers
A member since 2013. 

2024 Immediate Past President

Alfred Curtis III

A member since 2013. 

John Fehser

Newsletter Editor
Jane Stubbs

Holiday Banquet C0-Chair

Mark Stubbs  &  Larry Hamm

Procurement Co-Chair
Mark Stubbs  &  Larry Hamm

Bill Myers

Auction Chairman
Mike Hurley

Kenneth Snow

Club Show
Jerry Adamczyk  (520)305-5513

Tucson Coin Club, Inc.
PO Box 17021
Tucson,  AZ 85731